+44 (0)1403 597050
Copyright The Small Bale Company
Alstrong Soil Aeration and Rejuvenation
The better your soil breathes, the more it benefits your plant’s growth. Everything in nature needs oxygen to thrive. Dense, compacted, heavy soils tend to negatively impact oxygen flow. That’s why your soil needs aerationto allow oxygen and vital nutrients to efficiently reach your plants roots. The harder a plant works to accomplish this, the less energy it has for growth and yield.
Kuhn's Mfg Accumulators and Grabbers
The Kuhns Hay Accumulator system uses gravity and a simple mechanical system to efficiently arrange small square bales into a group. A Kuhns grabber or Tie-Grabber mounted on a front end loader or skid steer can pick up the bales and load them onto a waiting truck or wagon. The packs can then be stacked in the barn with a grabber. Without the operator ever needing to touch a bale.
Why use hay accumulators?
In the past 35 years the farming industry has seen a lot of changes in the way hay is handled. Dairy operations have moved from using small square bales handled by hand, to large round or square bales moved with machinery. While farms have become larger and fewer, the number of small square bales fed to hobby animals has increased dramatically.
The small square bale hay customer is now a busy professional who needs someone that understands his or her needs. These needs include curing and offsite storage; this increases the labour intensity of the farmer, thereby demanding a better bale handling system. The Kuhns accumulator system is designed to help these farmers minimize the labour involved in producing small square bales. The Kuhns' hay accumulator and grabber system has been developed for today's market climate, which demands a bale size of 18 - 20kg (40-45 lbs). The Kuhns Mfg accumulator can easily handle this size, allowing you to increase the marketability of your bales.
The Kuhns accumulator allows for:
See some pictures of the accumulator in action. The accumulator and the Tie-Grabber are patented.
Feel free to ask for an Information Pack that includes a DVD with videos of our accumulator working in the field or get in touch with us.
For enquiries, call
+44 (0)1403 597050
Find out more about Kuhns Mfg Bale Accumulators and Grabbers
or get in touch with us for questions.
Find out more about Alstrong Soil Aerators and Grassland Rejuvenation Equipment or get in touch with us for questions.
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